Key Information about Minor Guardianship Classes

By Yingjun Yan, Legal Intern

SALA’s VLP is now doing Minor Guardianship classes remotely in collaboration with KARE (Kinship and Adoption Resource and Education) Family Center.

About KARE: KARE is a resource center that helps relatives and non-relatives that take care of youth. SALA’s partnership with KARE provides legal help to kinship families (the care of children by relatives or close friends) to obtain legal minor guardianship.

About Minor Guardianship Class: The Minor Guardianship class is a free class led by a legal professional on teaching you how to self-file minor guardianship papers with the court, with training and certifications for Guardianship and Non-Licensed Fiduciary.

Contact Info: If you are interested in the service, please contact Chinda Tran, B.S. Kinship Navigator, Arizona Kinship Support Services, Arizona’s Children Association, 3716 E. Columbia Street, Tucson, AZ 85714. Call: (520) 307-8444. Contact information is subject to change due to KARE moving buildings and not setting up extensions yet.

  • Due to COVID-19, KARE and SALA are working from home. People who interested in must call above first to sign up for the program and see the available date and time.

Device to Join Class: To promote social distancing, the minor guardianship classes will be via Cisco Webex. Cisco Webex is a video conferencing software. If you are planning to attend the class, you will need an android device, iPhone, smart tablet, iPad, or computer with a camera and an email address to join the class. You can also join by landline phone. Once registered, you will receive a Webex conference invitation link to your email.  This link will also include a dial-in number if you’re joining by  landline phone.

If after class, you still need further assistance, please call SALA’s phone number (520-623-9461) or fill out the intake sheet on the SALA website ( to determine eligibility for services.

Courts’ Information about Minor Guardianship Cases

  1. The Pima County Superior Court is still open to the public to file court documents. As COVID-19 concerns continue, the Pima County Superior Court has responded with requirements to wear face masks. There is a limited supply of masks available from the courts. Justice Court also requires a temperature check.
  2. Minor Guardianship hearings with Judges are currently being done via telephone.